Clearwater Car Accident – Motorcycle Accidents – Injuries – Now What do you Do?
Clearwater Florida – One of the great parts about living in Pinellas County and the Clearwater area for 18 years is you really get to know a lot of business people and service providers in both a personal and professional way. I have personally unfortunately been in more than one Clearwater car accident in the last few years (none of these were my fault in case you were wondering) and unfortunately there are lots of things I didn’t know until I was (1) injured in an auto accident and (2) had bad auto accident care and advice!
So whether you’re in a car crash, truck accident or suffer from a motorcycle injury – you need this information because I can tell you that if you or a loved one is in injured in one of these kinds of traffic accidents it’s not overreacting in my humble opinion to contact a caring, experienced Clearwater Auto Accident Attorney to be YOUR advocate – the insurance companies are looking out for their interests and I want someone looking out for mine!! Like most crisis – it’s always helpful if you’ve done your research and have a plan BEFORE you have to ask, “Who’s the best Pinellas County Auto Injury Attorney?” when you’re still in shock!
Clearwater Driver Thankful for Helpful Personal Injury Lawyer
I have found that St Peterburg – Clearwater personal injury attorney David Neville, Esq. who has been helping people injured, often through no fault of their own, in Pinellas County for years makes a bad experience have the best possible outcome. In my experience, he does a great job and really cares about each client and their family (which is first and foremost for us). I was actually in a Clearwater car accident a few years ago and David Neville was my personal injury attorney and when friends and neighbors I know are in a car crash I immediately recommended my Clearwater Auto Injury attorney, David Neville to them. Maybe it’s because David is actually a survivor himself of a nearly fatal traffic accident, which he says motivated him to pursue a career in Personal Injury Law so he could help others, like himself, who have been the victims of the carelessness of others. Well while anyone who’s been through a car accident knows, recovery is often a long process and you’re dealing with the emotional recovery, as well as, your physical injuries (some of which we will live with forever) need to be taken care of. My friends still thanks me for recommending an experienced skilled auto injury lawyer to them after being in Pinellas County car accidents. David was able to negotiate a favorable settlement for me and while money doesn’t heal all – it definitely helps you get the care you need and get back on your feet after you go through something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
Most of us don’t have reasons to see any kind of lawyers or attorneys very often and I have to admit I always feel a little intimidated (like being called into the principals office even if it’s not your fault). While it’s normal to feel a little nervous – I know if you’re like me, you’ll appreciate David Neville’s warm smile and his relaxed style as he works to listen and understand your personal situation which really puts me at ease (while being a pitbull when working FOR me). Being comfortable really talking to my attorney…who is my advocate was really important in my experience. There can be “no dumb questions” and I always want a skilled personal injury attorney who listens to me and my needs and my desires.
Clearwater Motorcycle Accidents, Car Fender Benders & Crashes – Info I hope you never have to use!
When I was in my first car crash several years ago (a car ran a red light and side swiped me in an intersection where I did a 180 degree turn and totaled my car I actually was able by some blessing to walk away – many people aren’t so lucky) I thought it was no big deal physically – even though I knew my car was totalled.
Luckily I did know enough to see a doctor immediately for a check up regardless of how I felt. I come from a family that believes if you aren’t bleeding or throwing up you’re fine (Can anyone else relate?) – well based on that criteria I was fine…only I wasn’t. Unfortunately I went to my primary care physician for a check up and he refered me to what I would say is the “puppy mills” for people who have been personally injured in a car accident.
I did some things right – I had seen a doctor and followed his advice on the next step – however I made the mistake of not getting an experienced Clearwater personal injury attorney working as my advocate and looking out for me from the beginning. Thankfully a friend referred me to one of the best accident injury lawyers in Clearwater – St Petersburg while I was still having appointments in the “puppy mill” process.
I think I was like most people in car accidents, I’m not someone looking to sue anyone and I also didn’t want to spend money talking to a lawyer – even if I did want to get their opinion. I didn’t know that they get paid like I get paid as a realtor – ultimately if we can achieve a successful outcome we get paid. I’m so glad I know a better now.
The result – the experience that followed was like night and day. I was ultimately able to get the care and injury rehabilitation that I needed. I have to say that I also learned Clearwater’s best chiropractor makes all the difference (but that’s a story for another post)
While I am not an attorney or lawyer and am not giving legal advice here just sharing my personal experiences (Please call David Neville, Attorney in Law at or your own Pinellas County personal injury attorney if you have questions) here’s what I’ve learned from mine along the way …
6 Things To Do Immediately when in a Car Accident in Pinellas County
- If possible, photograph all damage to you, the car, the others involved in all cars as well and anything else that makes sense.
- Always call the local police, no matter how minor you believe the crash to be and make sure they
- Get a copy of the Drivers’ Exchange Information Form from police
- Get all the insurance documentation regarding your own car and/or the car you were riding in
- Seek legal advice as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are preserved
- It is essential to have a medical evaluation at the first sign of injury following a collision.
So while I hope you, your family or friends never needs this information – if you do at least you’ll know where to turn for the help you need. Contact: David Neville with Della Costa & Neville, P.A. If you want more info or to get a FREE consultation call David when you need him directly on his cell phone at 727-481-3072 – he’s available when you need him because accidents aren’t planned!
His Law office is located at: 6251 Park Boulevard Suite 9 Pinellas Park, FL 33781 P.S. Tell him Cyndee told you to call –