Clearwater Beach Florida – We work with lots of Clearwater beach condo buyers and not all of them have worked with a buyer’s agents when they have bought real estate in the past. Today we asked 20 year veteran Charlotte REALTOR and one of the best home buyer agents I know to share what makes a good Clearwater Beach real estate agent when you’re the buyer!
Terry McDonald, a leading buyer’s agent selling Charlotte Real Estate explains the Top 3 things to look for when you’re buying a home or condo in your REALTOR :
Top 3 things to look for in a Clearwater Home Buyers Agent
- Loyalty
- Objectivity
- Competence/Knowledge
We asked Terry the following questions?
What if a Clearwater real estate agent was loyal and competent, but not objective?
Terry: “Then these home and condo buyers and sellers would only get their real estate agents opinionated advice.
This is OK for the people who think exactly like the Clearwater Beach real estate agent they’re working with but it won’t be OK for the 98% of people who don’t agree or think alike.
This is where many of our fair housing laws originated and why our government is so strict here- in the bad old days of real estate, Agents would put there prejudice onto others and tell them where the “good areas” of town were, and where “people like them ” would or would not live.
It was used to steer folks to specific neighborhoods, and it kept neighborhoods segregated until the Fair Housing Act, with vigorous enforcement, abolished “Steering” and other tactics used to keep segregation alive.
But there are all kinds of prejudices-not only racial, and it’s OUR job to help OUR clients root through the stereotypes and prejudices to find a place, so they can see a home and neighborhood for what it is and whether it is a good fit for them.
Home buyers can live anywhere they want for any reason they want, because the home will be theirs, and the consequences of a good or bad decision. It would be unfair to our buyers for us, or anyone else, to try and force an opinion on them- because we don’t have to live with the consequence of that decision.
I also believe a good agent will try and keep outside influence to a minimum- these can be well meaning but over-bearing parents, or other Advisers (Aunt Betty knows Clearwater Beach Real Estate). Often these are the most strongly opinionated sources, with little or no regard for the clients real happiness, but maximum regard for the “rightness” of their opinion.”
What if a Clearwater Real Estate Agent is loyal, objective and not competent, would loyalty and objectivity be enough?
Terry: “I think it is pretty clear that to be a good Agent, you have to know something of your business.
Does that mean that only people with 20 years of experience are competent? No, it does not, but when working with younger Agents it is good to know they have back up- on their team or through their broker, in case of the unusual, and real estate is all about the unusual.
Buying real estate especially when you’re working in an area as dynamic as Clearwater Beach with all the new and existing Clearwater Beach condos, it involves many complex factors and the good Clearwater Real Estate Agent is competent across many disciplines:
- legal,
- building,
- negotiating, and
- managing the process through to completion,
- at the same time managing the relationships through to a successful closing.”
What if an Agent was competent and objective, but not loyal?
Terry: “That would be a situation where you found a great house and your real estate agent sold it to someone else not giving you a chance at it, or some other skulduggery that served that Agent’s interest, not the clients.
It s for that reason I don’t practice Dual Agency when selling Charlotte NC real estate– representing both buyers and sellers in the same transaction. We also do not accept Agent Bonuses- we’ll accept them, but they are rebated to the client. There are many openings for dishonest play, that’s why having an Agent you can trust is vitally important, and one who keeps your interest foremost in his mind.”
Any other Final thoughts?
Terry: “Buyer’s will hopefully now consider Loyalty, Objectivity, and Competence expressed through knowledge when choosing the next real estate agent to help them buy a Clearwater condo or home. I believe these are the essence of being a good Real Estate Agent in Clearwater Beach or Charlotte.”
I also think hearing about past real estate clients experiences is important – your video testimonials are a great way for buyers looking for a Clearwater REALTOR to learn more about you and Jack. More agents should offer these.
Start your search for all the Clearwater Beach Condos or homes for sale in the Tampa Bay MLS here.
Do you have any thoughts on what makes a good Agent?
We would like to thank Terry McDonald for sharing his experience and insights on selecting the best buyer’s agent when you’re in the market to make a real estate purchase. I would just add in this market it’s even more important to have an agent that is truly working for YOU – we believe you make your money when you buy real estate, just ask the people that “overpaid” in my opinion the previous 2 years.