Clearwater Florida Condo Buyers Planning on a White Christmas
For all our Snowbird and Cold Weather Friends we just wanted to say we’re dreaming of a white Christmas but “Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s Not Snowing on Clearwater Beach!” – just sugar white sand everyday!
Okay, all of you folks living up north you need to look at the picture below a friend just sent me and realize what your winter will look like
soon, and it’s not too late to pick up the phone and call us to buy your winter home in hot and sunny Clearwater, Florida.
So it’s your choice – another cold winter shoveling snow in Canada, New York, Michigan and other destinations north of here or get your request into Santa… “I want a warm tropical beach house or condo in Clearwater Beach, Sand Key or Island Estates Florida (I’m not picky) for Christmas this year”, a place where kids use shovels and buckets to build sand castles not to get out the front door.
There’s never been a better time to buy your piece of paradise. Did we mention it was 78 degrees here today and it’s December?
Update from our friend Elaine Reese, a leading REALTOR in Worthington Ohio – who shared it’s snowing in Ohio and the Murph, her dog, is NOT dreaming of a white Christmas – he’s ready for Spring Break!
If you have been following our blog articles, you will know we can get you in a condo bargain for under $150,000, so what are you waiting for?
Clearwater Florida Real Estate in the Sun
Are you looking to buy a Winter home in Clearwater on the water or a Clearwater Florida vacation condo / home away from home in the Tampa Bay area we can help. We can help you find the perfect Clearwater second home or condo. In addition we can help you find a Clearwater area bargain: distressed, pre-forclosure, foreclosures and short sales for waterfront homes and condos. Here’s what some of our past clients have to say about how we helped them….
Buyers tell us that selecting the best Realtor in Clearwater Beach Florida especially online or from a distance, can be a challenge. Some of our past clients agreed to share their experiences and tell you why they think you should work with us.
Click on the photos below and meet some of our clients and now friends…we’d love to be YOUR choice too!
The above information and images are Copyright © 2007 Jack and Cyndee Haydon, REALTORS and your Clearwater Beach Real Estate Consultants and may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed or published. All rights reserved. Plagiarism will be detected and is punishable by law.
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