Clearwater Florida Community News – Womens Auto Repair / Care Clinic
Clearwater Florida – Whether you’re moving to the area, want to learn how to pick the best auto repair shop or find honest car mechanics when you need one – you’ll want to consider joining me at the this weeks Clearwater Auto Care Clinic being offered by Ice Cold Air and Discount Auto Repair. They’re giving a free car care clinic this Satuday for women of all ages to learn the secrets of auto repair in Clearwater that could save you thousands in unnecessary repairs.
So are you looking for a honest auto repair shop when you need to fix your car or do routine maintenance like oil changes? Do you know the 5 red flags when looking look for an auto mechanic in Clearwater. Now’s the time to learn what insiders know before you need you car fixed.
I started taking our cars to Ice Cold Air and Discount Auto Repair in Clearwater on Court Street about two years ago and love knowing I have mechanics I trust and I know will stand being their work. As a woman, I can tell you the number of times I’ve had my car repaired by other auto shops only to find out later I was taken advantage of (Not something I appreciate) Like in real estate, you need a professional you can trust to give you good advice and to do the right thing or their could be costly mistakes. And since a car is an integral part of my business – I need to make sure it’s always running and safe.
And don’t let their name fool you! I know I was a little confused a first thinking they only fixed car air conditioning problems – though that’s an important one here in Florida.
They are one of the best auto repair shops in Clearwater and are a true full service car repair shop and offer great value pricing. Yes, they do car air conditioners and everything else. Jack and I have had quite a bit of work done on our cars and highly recommend these auto mechanics to our friends.
The owner of Ice Cold Air at both Court Street in Clearwater on the way to Clearwater Beach and the Main Street location off US 19 and 580 near Dunedin is Brett ONeill.
Brett has become a close personal friend of ours over the years as a result of the personal attention and care he takes in his clients and recently was interviewed about the Auto Care Car Clinic on Channel 10 News – Check it out here
Need Auto Repairs? What to look for in a Clearwater Auto Mechanic?
So what will we learn? They are planning to teach us the 10 things everyone must know before having their car repaired in Clearwater FL.
Why did they focus on women? Recent statistics show that over 60% of women are the decision makers when choosing who repairs and maintains their family’s cars.
So as a woman like me…..
- Do you know how to choose the right repair shop?
- Are you going to the dealer, even though you know that it is far more expensive?
- Is the fear of being taken advantage of, or having unnecessary repairs done, driving you to someplace you ‘think’ you can trust?
- How do you really know you’re getting exactly what you paid for?
It is questions like these that prompted Brett’s Clearwater auto repair team at Ice Cold Air in Clearwater Florida to organize a car care clinic specifically for women.
They told me that these topics and many more will be covered in detail:
- “How you can be 100% sure your not being ripped off”
- “The 7 questions you must ask any automotive repair facility before you set up an appointment”
- “What maintenance items are really important and what is just fluff?”
Ice Cold Air owner Brett O’Neill explains, “We deal with women making decisions about their cars every day, and we are asked over and over some of the same questions. I thought it would be a good idea to host a clinic, just for women, to cover some of their main concerns and to help dispel many of the mysteries that have been associated with our industry.”
They will be opening their shop on April 4th to any woman who never again wants to have that frightening, out of control feeling when they think of car repair. I’m planning on being there – are you?
They will give us the questions and answers we need to never fear automotive repair again. As vehicles become more and more complicated, and the level of knowledge necessary to repair them correctly increases, choosing the right repair shop is critical to the long life and proper operation of our vehicles.
Women’s Car Clinic – Clearwater Florida
- When: Saturday April 4th 2009
- Where: Ice Cold Air 1180 Court Street in Clearwater on Gulf to Bay just west of Missouri on the North side of the road
- Time: Starting at Noon – lasting 1 hour until 1pm
- @$150 FREE Gifts, food drinks and more
There is ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE to attend! As a matter of fact everyone who attends will get a FREE gift worth at least $150 dollars! However, space is limited, so please contact them to reserve your spot by calling 727-461-5727 or email (If you email them your name they’ll send you a confirmation)
For a map to the location, please click here.
We had a great time….
Missed this one? Call them and ask when the next one will be – I have a feeling they’ll be having more since the interest has been very high in the community.
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Copyright © 2009 Jack and Cyndee Haydon, Clearwater REALTORS and specializing in Clearwater Florida, Clearwater Beach Florida, Sand Key Florida and Pinellas County Waterfront homes and condos. This article may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed or published.