Clearwater Florida For Sale By Owners doing Short Sale
Clearwater Florida – I had a gentleman call recently telling me that he planned sell his Clearwater home by himself; that he would negotiate with the bank on this Clearwater Florida real estate short sale (when you owe more money than you can sell your home for); and that he did not need an real estate attorney to advise him on his options or handle the paperwork. I wish him good luck!
However, if you are like most people trying to sell your Clearwater home today:
- you do not have a law degree,
- your are not a trained title agent,
- you are not a trained and skilled Realtor…
add to that…only 15% of Tampa Bay homes for sale are actually sold For Sale By Owner.
We advertise our Clearwater Florida Real Estate listings all over the internet, so when list Clearwater homes for sale they will be seen by millions of interested real estate buyers, so check our customer testimonials and you will see that we are focused on our customers.
If you are facing a short sale or foreclosure, don’t try to sell your home by yourself. Let’s discuss how we can help you.
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Give us a Call today at (727) 710–8036 or Email me today at for our complimentary Clearwater Florida Real Estate Comparable Market Analysis!
Jack & Cyndee Haydon,
Belloise Realty
Clearwater Beach, Florida 33767
The above information and images are Copyright © 2007 Jack and Cyndee Haydon, Clearwater REALTORS and your Clearwater Florida Real Estate Agents and may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed or published. All rights reserved. Plagiarism will be detected and is punishable by law.